
Thompson Lake Bio-Mass Removal Howell Michigan

This was a unique job Waters Edge was asked to do, so we wanted to highlight it! We don’t shy away from odd jobs or anything beyond dock and hoists. Thats how we got where we are today; by being a solutions driven company!

Livingston County approached us for the gig, and mentioned the floating-island that rises from the lakes bottom seasonally. Well, this floating bio-mass unexpectedly arrived early this year and was a huge hazard to the boaters on Thompson Lake and needed to be removed as quickly as possible. Now with the Holiday of July 4th, two days away- it’s peak boating season. There was actually a report of a pontoon striking the floating turd and causing the boat damage.

Due to our assessment the day before, our strategy was to run two barges simultaneously to move one one big loaf. When we arrived with our crew, the turd did in fact break into three pieces. You can see in the video where it looks like a boat prop cut through the lake log. These things were dangerously lurking just below the waters surface!

Overall, this job went better than expected, considering the variables. Thanks to our ace team, they assembled to make sure we could make quick work of the turd. Back to installing Docks & Hoists! Note: I messed up in the opening of the video and sited Mitch Dempsey as the head of the Head of Drain Commission in Howell (Sorry, Brian Jonckheere) but I’m not perfect, I was just concerned with giving Mitch his due.

Jerry Wilson Waters Edge Dock & Hoist Owner