Brighton Michigan Holds It’s Breath As East and West Crooked Lake is Blocked!

On Saturday a maritime traffic jam has been created by a maintenance barge in the canal that connects East and West Crooked Lakes. The backup is expected to hold up 60 boat dock installs and maintenance, possibly delaying the opening of this years boating season. The barge grounded when the captain tried to maneuver a 180 degree turn in the middle of the canal. Turns out, the backup was created by the Waters Edge Dock & Hoist barge. It comes as a surprise, that an experienced boat dock, hoist and removal company that often frequents Crooked Lakes and this same canal, caused the backup. An investigation by The Crooked Lake Canal Authority is expected to begin this week to discover what caused the barge to run ground.

Garrick Wilson was at the helm of the barge at the time and reports “one minute we were fine, the next minute a gust!” Crews are working feverishly to get the canal cleared of the back up before Memorial Day. Ironically the same Waters Edge Crew helped free the Ever Given ship that grounded in the Suez Canal just last week. You’d think the experience of digging out the ship Ever Given would have contributed to their own experiences, as they cleared the Suez Canal in “record time”. Now they have created their own pickle; stuck-in-a-canal-type scenario.

The Waters Edge Dock & Hoist Crew frees the cargo ship Ever Given from the Suez Canal in “record time”. Now the same boat dock and seawall company operated out of Livingston County causes it’s own backup in the Crooked Lake Canal.

The canal between East and West Crooked Lake in Brighton is a major route between the lakes and joyriding traffic for the residents pleasure cruises. Once again the very crew that got stuck in the canal, is the only hope to get the vessel free in time for boating season in 2021. Will they make it out? Can they un-stuck themselves? There goes everyones hopes for a smooth opening to this years boating season. Call them now with your complaints at (517) 294-7476 .